The package clams-tools contains the following routines:
Program |
Function |
This program adds future cooling rates to an init file |
Adds positions at noon(NOONLAT, NOONLON, NOONTHETA/NOONZETA, NOONTIME) or at synoptical time (SYNLAT, SYNLON, SYNTHETA/SYNZETA, SYNTIME) to a NetCDF file. |
copy_pos_file |
Copies a pos file and changes the date (time, DATE_TIME and TIME_INIT). |
Creates init file from Crista file |
Increments given date by a given number of days and hours. The incremented date is written to standard output. |
inc_date30 |
Increments given date (all month with 30 days!) by a given number of days and hours. The incremented date is written to standard output. |
Calculate lyapunov exponent and add it to clams file |
Adds parameters to a pos file (with different times on TIME_INIT). The values are interpolated from isentropic files (spatial and temporal). |
Read ECMWF data on pressure levels, interpolate to given flightlevels and create file with coordinate "flightlevel" |
replace_spec |
Replace one species in a NetCDF file (initfile) with values of this species in another NetCDF file. |
Extracts a subset from a NetCDF file and writes it to a new destination, e.g. the data for a single trajectory out of a set of trajectories. |
Adds parameters to a trajectory output file by copying from init file. (Add parameters to trajectory output file by interpolation from isentropic files: traj/source/traj_add.f90) |
Zonal means are calculated and written to NetCDF file |
zon_mean_year |
Alle Dateien mit den zonalen Mitteln eines Jahres (eine Datei pro Tag) werden in einer einzigen Datei zusammmengefaßt |