Program pos_add

The specified parameters are added to a pos file. The variable TIME_INIT in pos file can contain different times. The values for all parameters are interpolated spatial (with bval3d) and temporal from isentropic data.

Configuration file

The options for the execution of pos_add can be set in the configuration file pos_add.inp:

N.Thomas                        ! user
/usr/nfs/clams/isen_zeta/2003   ! Input directory (isentropic file)
isen_ECT                        ! Prefix of isentropic/ecmwf files ( will be added)
6                               ! interval  between met. files (in hours)             ! name of pos/aircraft file
NPARTS                          ! name of dimension in pos/aircraft file (for LAT,LON,vertcoor and TIME)
TIME_INIT                       ! name of variable with time
3                               ! number of parameters

To add variables from ERA5 datasets with tropopause info only (, it is also possible to specify a postfix in line 3 and a directory with the additional ERA5 data (datasets with vertical coordinate) in the last line.

N.Thomas                                      ! user
/usr/nfs/data/meteocloud/fastdata/met_data/ecmwf/era5-trop/yyyy/mm   ! Input directory (meteorological file)
ecmwf_era5, tropopause                        ! Prefix and postfix of meteorological files -> 
6                                             ! interval  between met. files (in hours)
pos-add-test/              ! name of pos file
NPARTS                                        ! name of dimension in pos/aircraft file (for LAT,LON,vertcoor and TIME)
TIME_INIT                                     ! name of variable with time
4    0               ! number of parameters, optional: method of interpolating (0=weighted(default), 1=nearest)
/usr/nfs/data/meteocloud/fastdata/met_data/ecmwf/era5/nc/yyyy/mm  ! File with vertical coordinate (THETA|ZETA|PRESS|Z)

ClamsTools/pos_add (last edited 2021-10-12 11:23:30 by NicoleThomas)