Program add_noonpos
The positions at noon or a synoptical time are calculated by traj and added to the NetCDF file.
Configuration file
The options for the execution of add_noonpos can be set in the configuration file add_noonpos.inp:
1) ! input file 2) ! output file 3) 1 ! interval between synoptical times in days (1->NOONPOS, >1->SYNPOS) 4) n ! use ZETA for traj (y->ZETA,n->THETA) 5) press ! shortname of level (NONE for time series) 6) LAT ! shortname of latitude 7) LON ! shortname of longitude 8) THETA ! shortname of theta 9) ZETA ! shortname of zeta 10) xxx ! shortname of temperature 11) xxx ! shortname of pressure 12) /private/icg122/ecmwf_isen_0405_new ! directory with isentropic files 13) ECN ! prefix of isentopic files 14) /home/icg1/icg112/clams/traj/traj ! trajectory program 15) THETA_DOT ! short name of variable containing THETA-DOT information 16) 6 ! data frequency in hours (1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24) 17) n ! y/n -> 3d(with theta_dot)/2d(without theta_dot) run 18) 1800 ! first timestep in seconds 19) 300 ! second timestep in seconds 20) n ! y/n: delete all files created by traj (pos-files,traj-files,traj.inp,traj.out) 21) outdir ! directory with temporary files created by traj (pos-files,traj-files)
- Name of input NetCDF file
- Name of output NetCDF file; it is a copy from input file with the positions at noon or synoptical time added
Interval between synoptical times. If "1" is specified, the positions at noon of each day are written to NOONLAT,NOONLON,NOONTHETA/NOONZETA and NOONTIME. If n>1 is specified, the positions in the middle of each interval are written to SYNLAT,SYNLON,SYNTHETA/SYNZETA and SYNTIME.
- Use theta or zeta for trajectory calculation
- Shortname of level dimension in input file. If there is no level dimension in input file, specify "NONE".
- Shortname of variable containing latitudes.
- Shortname of variable containing longitudes.
- Shortname of variable containing theta levels. If "n" is specified in line 4, the input file must contain theta information or temperature and pressure.
- Shortname of variable containing zeta levels. If "y" is specified in line 4, the input file must contain zeta information or temperature and pressure
- Shortname of variable containing temperatures. The temperatures are only read, if there is no variable with theta/zeta levels in input file.
- Shortname of variable containing pressure levels. The pressure levels are only read, if there is no variable with theta/zeta levels in input file.
- Directory with isentropic files (used by trajectory program)
- Prefix of isentropic files (3 characters)
Executable trajectory program
- -19. Configuration for trajectory program
- If "y" is specified in line 20, all files created by traj (pos-files and traj-files) are deleted. This specification is optional, the default is "n".
- The pos-files and traj-files created by traj are written to the directory specified in line 21. If no directory is specified, the files are written to the current working directory.
Input Files
optional a level dimension (e.g. press, theta, zeta, alt, hgt); The name of this dimension is specified in line 5 of add_noonpos.inp, specify "NONE" if there is no level dimension
Coordinate variables:
time(time) in julian seconds
latitude (e.g. LAT,latitude), the name is specified in line 6 of add_noonpos.inp.
Possible dimensions of latitude are (time), (level,time) or (time,level)longitude (e.g. LON,longitude), the name is specified in line 7 of add_noonpos.inp.
Possible dimensions of longitude are (time), (level,time) or (time,level)theta (e.g. theta,THETA,THETA_UKMO), the name is specified in line 8 of add_noonpos.inp.
Possible dimensions of theta are (theta), (time), (time,level), (level,time)zeta (e.g. zeta,ZETA), the name is specified in line 9 of add_noonpos.inp. The input file must contain the variable zeta, if "y" is specified in line 4.
Possible dimensions of zeta are (time), (time,level), (level,time)