Program replace_lbound

Configuration file

The options for the execution of replace_lbound can be set in the configuration file replace_lbound.inp:

1)                       ! init file
2)  test1                                      ! its directory
3)  boundfiles                                 ! directory with boundfiles
4)  CO   200 zeta  y  mopitt_chem_bound_0200K  ! species,boundary,zeta/press,replace lowest layer,boundfile
    CH4  525 press y  AIRS_chem_bound_CH4_0525hPa

If only the prefix for the boundfile is specified in line 4 (i.e. "mopitt_chem_bound_0200K") the boundfile for the corresponding year will be used (prefix+"").

mix/replace_lbound (last edited 2013-07-11 11:46:08 by NicoleThomas)