Program clams2boundary

This program creates a boundary file (for horizontal or vertical boundary) from a CLaMS-Init-file.

The values from the CLaMS-Init-file are interpolated to the regular grid in the boundary file by calling the program i3d.

Configuration file

The options for the execution of clams2boundary can be set in the configuration file clams2boundary.inp:

1)  /private.data2/icg125/clim/init         ! directory with init-files
2)  HN2                                     ! prefix for init files
3)                ! output filename
4)  /home/icg1/icg112/clams/i3d/i3d_20000   ! i3d executable
5)  icg112                                  ! userid
6)  12 01 04 2008                           ! start time (hh mm dd yyyy)
7)  12 30 04 2008                           ! end time (hh mm dd yyyy)
8)  24                                      ! time increment (in hours)
9)  1                                       ! 1/2 = horizontal/vertical boundary


  1. Directory with CLaMS-Init-files
  2. Prefix (3 characters) of Init-files
  3. Name of boundfile
  4. Name of i3d executable (used for interpolation)
  5. Userid
  6. First time in boundfile (hh mm dd yyyy)
  7. Last time in boundfile (hh mm dd yyyy)
  8. Time increment in hours for boundfile
  9. Specify if horizontal or vertical boundary file is created (1=horizontal, 2=vertical)

If 1 (horizontal boundary) is specified in line 9:

10) 500                                     ! horizontal boundary (in K)
11) -90. 2. 0. 2.                           ! lat0, dlat, lon0, dlon  

If 2 (vertical boundary) is specified in line 9:

10) 30                                      ! vertical boundary (lat in degrees_N)
11) 0. 2.                                   ! lon0, dlon
12) &level nlevel=12, levels=50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600/

mix/clams2boundary (last edited 2010-04-30 09:30:52 by NicoleThomas)