Use JUBE for messy-clams runs
- on JURECA:
module load JUBE
- Download and installation on cluster workstation:
JUBE is installed in ~/.local/bin
add ~/.local/bin to $PATH
Required files
Dummy makefile ${BASEDIR}/messy/mbm/clams/Makefile_jube
Dummy MESSy script ${BASEDIR}/messy/util/xmessy_mmd.jube
Dummy namelist directory ${BASEDIR}/messy/nml/MBM/clams_jube
(dir_dummy_nml specified in namelistParam in JUBE script)
JUBE script, e.g. ${BASEDIR}/messy/util/xmessy_jube_clim.xml
JUBE script
Example for JUBE script:
- Inside the script there is one parameterset for each clams namelist.
- The namelist input is specified in these parametersets.
The dummy entries in the namelists ${BASEDIR}/messy/nml/MBM/clams_jube/*.nml will be substituted with this input and copied to the namelist directory (NML_SETUP).
Attention: Namelists in directory NML_SETUP will be overwritten if they already exist !The specifications in the parametersets jobscriptParameter and xmessy_mmd are used to substitute the dummy entries in the messy script ${BASEDIR}/messy/util/xmessy_mmd.jube.
The messy-script xmessy_mmd.jube with substitutions is copied to the working directory (name: xmessy_mmd.$EXP_NAME).
Run JUBE script
- copy JUBE script to working directory and change namelist data in the script
- run JUBE script:
jube run xmessy_jube_clim.xml [-t tag]
If the script is called with tag comp, the basemodel clams is recompiled.
Attention: The Makefile in subdirectory clams is replaced by the dummy makefile Makefile_jube with the current substitutions (parameterset makeParam)
JUBE commands
jube run xmessy_jube_clim.xml [-t tags] jube continue messy_bench jube analyse messy_bench [--id ID] jube result messy_bench jube info messy_bench [--id ID] [--step xxx] jube log messy_bench [--id ID] [--command cmd] jube help keyword jube comment [-a] "..." messy_bench [-i ID] jube comment -i ID -- "..." messy_bench
Online documentation
Run with Scalasca (on JURECA)
module load Scalasca jube run messy_clim.xml -t time scorep_comp scorep scalasca -examine messy_bench/00000x/000003_exe/work/scorep_clams24_run scalasca -examine -s messy_bench/00000x/000003_exe/work/scorep_clams24_run
-> scorep.score is created