New usage model on JSC supercomputers
From December 2018 onwards, JURECA and other supercomputers have a new usage model. Since May 2021 the jicg11 project has been terminated. please use clams-esm on JUWELS.
Details are explained here.
For the projects clams-esm and IEK-7 this means the following changes:
- There are no multiple accounts for the same user anymore
The username for access to JURECA/JUWELS has been changed to <lastname><number> for all projects (clams-esm, JICG11 and the IEK7)
User and group access management is handled through the site JUDOOR. You need to press the "agree" to the Usage agreement here.
- the old ssh key should still work.
the old HOME filesystems are now located under /p/project/cjicg11/jicg11xx and /p/project/ciek-7/icg1yy. Do not copy the old $HOME data to the new $HOME as there is limited space. Instead, you may set a link to the project directory.
The ERA-Interim data are now located at /p/fastdata/slmet/slmet111/met_data/ecmwf/era_interim/nc/hybrid/. To have the access right you need to join the project SIMLAB-CLIMATE (slmet). Contact Lars Hoffmann ( for that purpose.
When running a job script, you have to specify the project name to which the CPU hours are allocated by adding the line #SBATCH --account=clams-esm or #SBATCH --account=icg1 in the top script lines.
- CLaMS programs that use e.g. the dynamic NetCDF library need to be re-compiled with updated Makefiles / mkincl
potentially .profile and .bashrc commands need to be transferred to $HOME/.bash_profile, especially for module load commands that may be preformed automatially at the login.
the old filesystem $WORK has been replaced by $SCRATCH (/p/scratch/cjicg11/jicg11xx or /p/scratch/ciek-7/icg1yy) that still contains the old data. The project specific environment variables can be set by e.g. jutil env activate -p cjicg11. Please use obvious personalized directory names on the top level. Suggested new directory names would be /p/scratch/cjicg11/<username>, but you can of course use the old directory names jicg11xx (more info on filesystems)
- MESSy-CLaMS / Mercurial:
- copy/move .hgrc to new home directory
- copy/move .ssh/config and ssh-keys from old home directory to the new one
- MESSy-CLaMS can be recompiled without any changes
To forward ssh-key access conditions from your local machine to the JURECA/JUWELS session you may connect with the option -A i.e. typing ssh -A -X <username> This is helpful, e.g. to connect to a foreign gitlab server.