Software on JURECA
Access to installed software on JURECA is organized through a hierarchy of modules.
- Show what modules are compatible available to load right now (given the toolchain modules you have already loaded):
module avail
- Load a specific version of a module
module load <modulename>/<moduleversion>
- List what modules are currently loaded
module list
- Unload a module
module unload <modulename>/<moduleversion>
- Unload all modules
module purge
- Find the location of a module within the module hierarchy
module spider <modulename>
- Show how to load NetCDF:
module -r spider '.*netCDF.*'
Module Stages
On JURECA there are major software updates every 6 month (in May and November).
These updates are called stages.
New stages require that user applications are recompiled.
To use "old" executables without recompiling or to create executables with older compiler versions, old stages can be loaded with:
module use /usr/local/software/jureca/OtherStages module load Stages/xxx
e.g. : load old Intel compiler with parastation MPI and netCDF:
module purge module use /usr/local/software/jureca/OtherStages module avail module load Stages/2018b module load intel-para module load netCDF-Fortran
Module Collections
Once users have the desired modules load they can save this to a named collection with:
module save <collection_name>
This creates a file called ~/.lmod.d/<collection_name> with the list of desired modules.
Once this is set-up a user can restore that named collection with:
module restore <collection_name>
and only the desired modules will be loaded.
Print the contents of a collection with:
module describe <collection_name>
List all collections:
module savelist
Disable a collection with:
module disable <collection_name>