CLaMS Installation

Download Source Code

The CLaMS source code can be downloaded from the GitLab server

This version contains all modules, libraries and programs needed for a classical CLaMS simulation employing a ksh-script. It does not include supplementary programs e.g. needed for the conversion of the meteorological data.

The code of the CLaMS version 2.0 can be downloaded by:

Example input data can be downloaded by:

Developer Version

To download the developer version of CLaMS from the gitlab server, one needs to be registered by the server (login once) and then given access by the maintainer Nicole Thomas (

The ssh keys should be uploaded to the GitLab Server:
Add your public SSH key to your GitLab account by clicking your avatar in the upper left corner and selecting Preferences, navigating to SSH Keys and pasting your public key in the key field. Your key is usually contained in the file '~/.ssh/' and begins with 'ssh-rsa'. Don't use your private SSH key. Then click the Add key button.

For registered users the developer version of CLaMS is available here:

Some additional CLaMS packages (conv2cf, init, i3d, isentropic, tdot) can be downloaded by:

Installing on a remote computer like JURECA works identically. If you want to use your ssh-keys from the workstation cluster for downloading the code, you may connect to JURECA by:

At the moment ssh agent forwarding to JURECA/JUWELS is not allowed and outgoing ssh communication from these systems is blocked.

The source code can be downloaded to JURECA or JUWELS via https (with userid and password):


For compilation of all CLaMS programs, go to the target directory and simply type:

For compilation of a specific program progname in package package-name:

The source code is always compiled with MPI. It can be run serially or in parallel. Please make sure, that mpif90 can be used.

On IEK-7 workstations the bin subdirectory of the installation directory of MPICH library must be added to your path:

On JURECA/JUWELS modules with MPI must be loaded, see:

It is possible to compile without MPI or switch to gfortran compiler with:

GitLabInstructions (last edited 2023-09-25 07:57:42 by NicoleThomas)