Example Animations for CLaMS

On this page, some example animations are shown to visualize the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS). They stem from a simulation of the Arctic winter 20004/05. The horizontal resolution of this simulation is 100km notrh of 40 degrees and 300 km south of 40 degrees latitude.

To view the animations klick the right mouse button onto the corresponding figure and choose 'play' with the left mouse button:

download the file: film_do3_proz.swf

Embedded application/x-shockwave-flash

This animation shows the simulated chemical ozone loss (%) from early February to mid-March. The shown potential temperature level is 450K which corresponds to about 17-18 km altitude. The edge of the polar vortex is marked with a violet line.

download the file: film_map_orth_lon.swf

Embedded application/x-shockwave-flash

This animation shows the simulated ozone mixing ratio on March 7, 2005 on the 475K potential temperature level corresponding to about 19 km altitude while the earth is rotating.

download the file: film_map_orth_zoom_dots.swf

Embedded application/x-shockwave-flash

This animation shows the individual air parcels at the 475K level (about 19 km altitude) as it is zoomed in. The whole simulation consists of 32 of those levels. A flight track of the Geophysica aircraft on this day is marked pink. Note also the areas with different resolution north and south of 40 degrees latitude.

download the file: film_map_small_2days.swf

Embedded application/x-shockwave-flash

This animation shows the change of location of the individual CLaMS air parcels during the next 2 days. A mixing event takes place after one day at 12:00 where some airparcels are combined and some airparcles are added.

ExampleAnimations (last edited 2009-10-01 15:27:55 by ReimarBauer)