The package mix

The 2D (isentropic) and 3D mixing in CLaMS is implemented in the FORTRAN-90 program mix.f90. The handling of the boundary conditions is controlled by the program bmix.f90. For the description of the 2D/3D mixing algorithm, see [2,1]

How to get the source code

The source code of the mix package is under control of the CVS (Concurrent Version System) utility. To get the source code the environment variable CVSROOT must be set to /usr/local/icg/icg1/archive. The command

cvs co -P mix

creates a directory mix in the current working directory and copies the current version of the mix package to this directory.

The directory mix includes the following subdirectories:


The programs can be compiled on different platforms with the makefile stored in the directory mix:

gmake mix|bmix
gmake all

The program will be compiled for the used platform and the executables mix and bmix will be created.

To compile mix or bmix the package dynmod must be checked out.

P.~Konopka, H.-M. Steinhorst, J.-U. Groo\ss, G.~G\"unther, R.~M\"{u}ller, J.~W.
  Elkins, H.-J. Jost, E.~Richard, U.~Schmidt, G.~Toon, and D.~S. McKenna.
\newblock Mixing and ozone loss in the 1999-2000 arctic vortex: {S}imulations
  with the 3-dimensional {Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere
\newblock {\em J. Geophys. Res.}, 109(D2):doi:10.1029/2003JD003792, 2004.

D.~S. {McKenna}, P.~Konopka, J.-U. Groo\ss, G.~G\"unther, R.~M\"uller,
  R.~Spang, D.~Offermann, and Y.~Orsolini.
\newblock A new {C}hemical {L}agrangian {M}odel of the {S}tratosphere
  {(CLaMS)}: {P}art {I} {F}ormulation of advection and mixing.
\newblock {\em J. Geophys. Res.}, 107(D16):4309, doi:10.1029/2000JD000114,