The package mix

The 2D (isentropic) and 3D mixing in CLaMS is implemented in the FORTRAN-90 program mix.f90. The handling of the boundary conditions is controlled by the program bmix.f90. For the description of the 2D/3D mixing algorithm, see [2,1]

To compile mix or bmix the package dynmod must be checked out.

P.~Konopka, H.-M. Steinhorst, J.-U. Groo\ss, G.~G\"unther, R.~M\"{u}ller, J.~W.
  Elkins, H.-J. Jost, E.~Richard, U.~Schmidt, G.~Toon, and D.~S. McKenna.
\newblock Mixing and ozone loss in the 1999-2000 arctic vortex: {S}imulations
  with the 3-dimensional {Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere
\newblock {\em J. Geophys. Res.}, 109(D2):doi:10.1029/2003JD003792, 2004.

D.~S. {McKenna}, P.~Konopka, J.-U. Groo\ss, G.~G\"unther, R.~M\"uller,
  R.~Spang, D.~Offermann, and Y.~Orsolini.
\newblock A new {C}hemical {L}agrangian {M}odel of the {S}tratosphere
  {(CLaMS)}: {P}art {I} {F}ormulation of advection and mixing.
\newblock {\em J. Geophys. Res.}, 107(D16):4309, doi:10.1029/2000JD000114,