Differences between revisions 4 and 5
Revision 4 as of 2008-11-25 10:17:01
Size: 1502
Editor: NicoleThomas
Revision 5 as of 2008-12-01 09:11:01
Size: 2064
Editor: NicoleThomas
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 1. distance between points on line of sight in kilometer
 1. maximum altitude in kilometer
 1. Distance between points on line of sight in kilometers
 1. Maximum altitude for points on line of sight in kilometers
 1. Latitude range
 1. [[ Netcdf file with observer and view points ]]
 1. Clams file (used for interpolation)
 1. Directory with meteorological data
 1. Prefix for meteorological data (3 characters) <<BR>>
 The files with meteorological data are used for converting from (lat,lon,height) to (lat,lon,theta/zeta) and for getting NOONPOS
 1. Output filename
 1. Specify, if the positions at noon should be calculated and used for interpolation
 1. Name of executable program add_noonpos
 1. Name of executable program traj


Configuration file

The options for the execution of los_i3d are set in the configuration file los_i3d.inp:

1)   10.                 ! distance between points [km]
2)   30.                 ! maximum altitude [km]
3)   5.   90.            ! lat_min, lat_max
4)   /private/icg112/crista2/netcdf/cr2_ci2.0_NH_220-221.nc   ! file with observer and view points
5)   /private/icg112/crista2/init/init_CR2_97080912.nc        ! clams data
6)   /usr/nfs/clams/icg134/crista2/ecmwf/links                ! directory with meteorological data 
7)   ECZ                                                      ! prefix for meteorological data   
8)   /private/icg112/crista2/los/cr2_ci2.0_NH_220-221_los.nc  ! output file
9)   n                                                        ! use positions at noon (y/n)
10)  /home/icg1/icg112/clams/clams-tools/add_noonpos_icg1060  ! executable add_noonpos
11)  /home/icg1/icg112/clams/traj/traj_icg1060                ! executable traj
12)  2                    ! number of parameters
13)  IWC                  ! list of parameters 
14)  3                    ! output type (1=los data,2=viewpoint data (weighted), 3=vp data)


  1. Distance between points on line of sight in kilometers
  2. Maximum altitude for points on line of sight in kilometers
  3. Latitude range
  4. Netcdf file with observer and view points

  5. Clams file (used for interpolation)
  6. Directory with meteorological data
  7. Prefix for meteorological data (3 characters)
    The files with meteorological data are used for converting from (lat,lon,height) to (lat,lon,theta/zeta) and for getting NOONPOS

  8. Output filename
  9. Specify, if the positions at noon should be calculated and used for interpolation
  10. Name of executable program add_noonpos
  11. Name of executable program traj

15)  bsp_data/crista.wgt       ! file with weights
16)  3        ! 1=distances along line of sight, 2=horizontal distances, 3=vertical distances

los_i3d (last edited 2012-12-10 13:02:23 by ReinholdSpang)