= Update of the boundary conditions in MESSy-CLaMS = The routines for updating the boundary conditions are called in ''clamsbmix_global_end'' (''messy_clamsbmix_si.f90''). There are two routines for updating the boundary conditions: * '''bmix''': replace lowest, highest and/or vertical layers (layers used for mixing) * '''replace_boundaries''': set boundary conditions below or above a specified zeta-level and within a specified period === Specifications in clamsbmix.nml === {{{ &CTRL timestep_bmix=24, ! timestep of bmix in hours lev_in_down=50., ! lower boundary lev_in_up=2500., ! upper boundary lat_in_down=-90., ! south vertical boundary lat_in_up=90., ! north vertical boundary delta_lev=0., interpol_from_init=0, file_bounds='/usr/nfs/data/clams/clim/init/init_KY2_79010112.nc', dir_boundfiles='/usr/nfs/data/clams/clim/config/', bmix_boundlist='/usr/nfs/software/icg1/messy_config/bounds_bmix_clim.inp', clams_boundlist='/usr/nfs/software/icg1/messy_config/bounds_clams_clim.inp' loutput_bmix=.false., / }}} * ''file_bounds'': boundfile/init file used in ''bmix'' * ''dir_boundfiles'': directory with all other boundfiles used in ''bmix'' or ''replace_boundaries'' * ''bmix_boundlist'': file with specifications for all species replaced in ''bmix'' * ''clams_boundlist'': file with specifications for all species replaced in ''replace_boundaries'' === Specifications for bmix in bmix_boundlist (e.g. bounds_bmix_clim.inp) === {{{ ALL 1 1 chem_bound_0050K.nc ALL 2 1 chem_bound_2500K.nc CH4 1 1 chem_bound_noaa_cmdl.nc CO 1 1 chem_bound_noaa_cmdl.nc CO2 1 1 chem_bound_noaa_cmdl.nc 1970 2000 N2O 1 1 chem_bound_noaa_cmdl.nc F11 1 1 chem_bound_noaa_cmdl.nc F12 1 1 chem_bound_noaa_cmdl.nc HCN 1 2 hcn_boundary_2_0_deg_50p_2000010112_2007123112.nc }}} specifications per line: * name of species; if '''''ALL''''' is specified, all species from boundfile are read in * boundary, which should be replaced: * 1 = lower boundary * 2 = upper boundary * 3 = lower and upper boundary * action: * 1 = interpolate + replace * 2 = interpolate + add * boundfile: file with boundary conditions (in directory ''dir_boundfiles'') * optional: startyear and endyear: replacement of boundaries only between start- and endyear === Specifications for replace_boundaries in clams_boundlist (e.g. bounds_clams_clim.inp) === {{{ CO CO 200 1 0 0 2001 2011 mopitt_chem_bound_2_0_0200K CO CO 200 1 0 0 2012 2015 AIRS_chem_bound_CO_1_5_0200K CH4 CH4 200 1 0 0 2012 2015 AIRS_chem_bound_CH4_0200K HCl HCl 0. 0 500. 1 1970 2020 haloe_eqlat_climat_theta_update.nc O3 O3 0. 0 500. 1 1970 2020 haloe_eqlat_climat_theta_update.nc TRACER O3 0. 0 500. 1 1970 2020 haloe_eqlat_climat_theta_update.nc H2O SH 250. 1 0 0 1970 2020 METDATA }}} specifications per line: * speciesname in CLaMS * speciesname in boundfile * lower boundary [ZETA] * action at lower boundary * 0: no replacement * 1: interpolate + replace * 2: interpolate + add * 9: set to 0. * upper boundary [ZETA] * action at upper boundary * 0: no replacement * 1: interpolate + replace * 2: interpolate + add * 9: set to 0. * startyear and endyear: replacement of boundaries only between start- and endyear * boundfile: file with boundary conditions (in directory ''dir_boundfiles'') * '''AIRS/mopitt''' files: "_yyyy010112_yyyy123112.nc" will be attached to filename * '''METDATA''': * meteorological data is used * filename: ''met_prefix''_yymmddhh.nc (''met_prefix'' is specified in clams.nml) * file must be located in ''met_dir'' (specified in clams.nml) * possible dimensioning of species in boundfile: * species (lat,time) * species (lat,lon,time) * species (lat/eqlat,zeta/theta,month)