## page was renamed from Juropatest/Software == Software on JURECA == Access to installed software on JURECA is organized through a hierarchy of modules. * Show what modules are compatible available to load right now (given the toolchain modules you have already loaded): {{{ module avail }}} * Load a specific version of a module {{{ module load / }}} * List what modules are currently loaded {{{ module list }}} * Unload a module {{{ module unload / }}} * Unload all modules {{{ module purge }}} * Find the location of a module within the module hierarchy {{{ module spider }}} * Show how to load NetCDF: {{{ module -r spider '.*netCDF.*' }}} === Module Stages === On JURECA there are major software updates every 6 month (in May and November).<
> These updates are called stages.<
> New stages require that user applications are recompiled.<
> To use "old" executables without recompiling or to create executables with older compiler versions, old stages can be loaded with: {{{ module use /usr/local/software/jureca/OtherStages module load Stages/xxx }}} e.g. : load old Intel compiler with parastation MPI and netCDF: {{{ module purge module use /usr/local/software/jureca/OtherStages module avail module load Stages/2018b module load intel-para module load netCDF-Fortran }}} === Module Collections === Once users have the desired modules load they can save this to a named collection with: {{{ module save }}} This creates a file called ''~/.lmod.d/'' with the list of desired modules. Once this is set-up a user can restore that named collection with: {{{ module restore }}} and only the desired modules will be loaded. Print the contents of a collection with: {{{ module describe }}} List all collections: {{{ module savelist }}} Disable a collection with: {{{ module disable }}}