## page was renamed from Juropatest/Netcdf == Using NetCDF on JURECA == * Loading NetCDF Module {{{ module load Intel module load ParaStationMPI module load netCDF-Fortran }}} * NetCDF versions (27.10.2022) * netCDF/4.8.1 * netCDF-Fortran/4.5.3 * Compilerversions loaded (21.10.2022): * gcc-Version 11.2.0 * ifort version 21.4.0 * ParaStationMPI 5.5.0-1 * If the netcdf module is loaded, "ncdump" and "ncgen" can be used and compilation of programs using netcdf is possible (without specifying any library or include path). * Compile Fortran program with NetCDF: {{{ ifort -o progname progname.f90 -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz }}}