#acl ClamsUserGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read = Commit changes to central CLaMS repository = <
> The develop version of CLaMS is available on the GitLab server https://jugit.fz-juelich.de: {{{ git clone git@jugit.fz-juelich.de:clams/clams-git.git [target-directory] }}} <
> Before the very first commit configure the author name and email address to be used with your commits (saved in ''~/.gitconfig''): {{{ git config --global user.name "firstname lastname" git config --global user.email name@fz-juelich.de }}} <
> === Commit changes from your local repository to the central repository: === * Update changes from the central repository: {{{ git pull }}} * Show branches: {{{ git branch }}} * Create new branch and switch to it: {{{ git branch branchname git checkout branchname }}} * Check your changes and commit: {{{ git status git add [...] git commit }}} * Before pushing: <
> List all files to be pushed: {{{ git diff --stat --cached origin/master }}} View all differences in all files to be pushed: {{{ git diff --cached origin/master }}} * Push the changes in your branch to the central repository: {{{ git push --set-upstream origin branchname }}} * Update your branch regularly with current devel branch {{{ git pull git fetch origin master git merge origin master }}} * Create merge request on https://jugit.fz-juelich.de: * go to the project (clams-git / clams-support) * select "Merge Requests" on the left side * click on "New merge request" button * select the source branch (your new branch) and the target branch (master) and click on the "Compare branches and continue" button * add a title and a description to your merge request, select a user to review your merge request and click on the "Submit merge request" button * After the branch is merged (you will be informed by mail): <
> You can update your master branch: {{{ git checkout master git pull }}} and delete your new branch: {{{ git branch -d branchname }}}